2016.03.26 - 04.01 Rehab & Autism Conference in China


3/26/16 Dr. Xuejun Kong was invited as a keynote speaker presented in Guangzhou International Rehab forum, the presentation title was “The route to recover--ASD rehab”, she talked about the three layers of ASD rehab: Medical Rehab, Educational Rehab and Community Rehab, and their integration, she also talked about transition of ASD individuals from childhood to teens and adulthood, and ASD talent discovery and development, the presentation was 2.5 hours, attracted a great deal of attention.


3/29/16 Dr. Xuejun Kong was invited and presented in Shenzhen Maternity & Child Healthcare Hospital, she presented at “San-Ming grand forum”, the presentation title was “Evidence based medical evaluation and intervention for ASD”, Dr. Yan Ding from her autism team presented “Advances in Autism Genomics”, Dr. Kong also had case discussion and autism round in this hospital.


