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AutiChange Initiative US-China Exchange Activities


Welcome to Autichange Initiative and please read the following agenda for the July 29 event.

AutiChange Initiative is a subsidiary of American Chinese Medical Exchange Society. This initiative aims to change the public view on autism, to raise support and to promote social and academic development of autistic children. We strive to serve the community through local community service, education and US-China exchange activities.


For US-China exchange activities, we aim to develop long-term collaboration and cross-culture exchange to promote autism awareness and support in the U.S and China. We propose to have annual exchange visit. International travel expenses is the responsibility of the individual. The host organization will be responsible for lodging and activity expense. The following is the proposed exchange activities:

A.    July 28-July 30 2015: delegate of AutiChange Initiative visit Guangzhou and co-organize event
1.    July 29:Co-organize forum and workshop to help parents and children to find support from peer, school, society, provide cross exchange, educate on treatment, provide information and experience from USA.  Location: Guangzhou, 中山大学公共卫生院侧三楼会议室
 (1)心历历程 Raymond Wang
 (2)家长分享  Dr. Wang
 (3)Brother sharing: Bryan Wang
 (4) 关爱助分享  Andrew Luo 罗泽堃
 (5)Professor  Jin
 (6)Professor  Luo  自闭症研究的新进展
3.      Co-organize fun day and art display for autistic children: raise peer support. Location: Guangzhou
4.      Co-organize concert: fund-raising and raise public awareness. Part of funding raised will be donated to Guangzhou International Volunteer to support Autism outreach. Location: Guangzhou
5.      Participate and organize school/classroom peer support.

B.  July 31 Location: Shenzhen    紫飞语特殊儿童康复中心, 深圳
 (3)Brother Sharing  Bryan Wang
 (4)关爱助分享         罗泽堃
 (5) 自闭症研究的新进展        罗逊

C.  八月1-3日  2015年自闭症生物医学进展峰会

2016. Delegate of Guangzhou organization visit Boston
1.    Co-organize forum and workshop to help parents and children to find support from peer, school, society, provide cross exchange, educate on treatment, provide information and experience from USA and China.  Location: Boston
2.    Site visit of Special education school, local community with special education program. Location: Boston
3.    co-organize concert: fund raising and raise public awareness. Location: Boston
For Chinese families who would like to come to the U.S to attend special education school, AutiChange Initiative would facilitate with school application.
Look forward to deepening the collaboration.

Andrew Luo & Bryan Wang
AutiChange Initiative



