Let Music Speak: Autism Benefit Concert


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a complex neurodevelopment disorders with fast rising prevalence, now affects 1 in 68 children in USA and 1% globally. Look around, you may find your family members, relatives or friends are struggling with this disease. Many of them are excluded by the society. You might not know, Autistic individuals have a lot of special talent particularly in music, art and math. With our helping hand, they could live in a normal life like you and me. Do you know Amadeus Mozart,Michael Jackson,Albert Einstein,Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln and many others are actually generally recognized autistic individuals with a great success. Let’s join American Chinese Medical Exchange Society (ACMES), Institute to Cure Autism, Lifelong Buddy Project, Body Brain Resilience Center, AutiChange Initiative, North American Journal of Medicine and Science, all the meaningful course to promote general awareness of autism, help and support autism individuals to reach their greatest potential, and have productive life. Music with its unspeakable beauty and magic healing power can reach and touch their soul and heart, bridge our communication with them, dig out their special talent to serve our society better. This benefit concert will raise fund to provide music therapy, gift education and career training for autistic individuals. Your generous donation will make this happen and are highly appreciated. Together, we can change autism, let music talk!